Sunday, September 16, 2007

Team In Training!!! Help me help those battling leukemia!

To continue my running exploits, I have joined a Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training squad based out of Springfield, Missouri (this means getting up at 5:00 AM on Saturdays to drive to Springfield to participate in team practices - 110 miles away from West Plains). My goal is to raise $3,900 for the cause of research and development of a cure for this disease. My team and I are training for the P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll Arizona which takes place this January.

Click on the above link to help donate and keep track of my progress - spread the word! Thanks for your help!


Anonymous said...

can dannon,

i am considering running the phoenix half for the second time in a row. Tom and I are in Chi-town, livin it up, and I found yer blog!!! Maybe we can both go there and then catch up, whatcha think?

-Zoot Suit Jenn Ryan :)
jenn and tom at hotmail dot com.

dancanrun77 said...

Sounds like a plan!